
Burg Hohenzollern 霍亨索倫城堡 成本控管邁向雲端及售價調整

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此風景是一個德國南部的城堡 Burg Hohenzollern 霍亨索倫城堡,它坐落在位於黑欣根南方20公里的一座丘陵上,所在的小城市叫畢森根。這個城堡是在 12 世紀開始興建,中途曾重建多次,一直到 1850 年開始改建,迄今有近千年的歷史。他的美有兩個,一個是在雲中看她如雲端上的城堡的美。另一個就是在日落時由城堡向外看著夕陽。

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The current castle was built by Hohenzollern scion Crown-Prince Frederick William IV of Prussia. Traveling through southern Germany en route to Italy in 1819 he wished to learn about his family's roots, so climbed to the top of Mount Hohenzollern. He would write in 1844 as King:

The memory of the year 18[19], to me is exceedingly lovely, and like a beautiful dream, especially the sunset we saw from one of the castle bastions. [...] Now is a desire, a dream of [my] youth, to see Hohenzollern Castle again made habitable.



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